05 October 2012


A mere seven posts from the last time I posted about monthly goals...time passes so quickly!

The problem with September is that I failed to review my goals mid-month, which means I forgot what most of them were :)
  • Start and finish a book.  Actually I started three books at once, but I did finish one of them.
  • Take a bath.  Ha!  Yeah right.
  • Let someone else cook.  For a full week, Kyle was in charge of food.  It was great, and by the end of the week, I actually felt like cooking again.
  • Can homegrown tomatoes – spaghetti sauce AND pizza sauce. It's a nice feeling to know that all those garden tomatoes are preserved for winter and aren't taking up fridge or freezer space.
  • Bachelorette party for one of my good friends.  Wow, was that a lot of fun!  It was a great weekend, and I think we gave the bachelorette a nice send-off to the married life.
  • Wedding. So much wedding!  A fabulous fall day, some lovely new people, and a night that went on to the wee hours of the morning. 
  • Make a soufflé. This has still been on my mind.  It will definitely happen.  Maybe even in October.
 I might even be able to scrounge up some photos of the wedding, once I get them off my camera...

In the meantime, I've been seriously thwarted in my attempt to do some deep cleaning of the house.  I finally got some free time and a cold has knocked me on my butt.  Now that I'm starting to feel human again, hopefully I'll be able to make some progress.

Oh, and no ArtPrize this year.  Sadly, tomorrow is the only time I can go, and it's forecasted to be in the 40s and rainy, which doesn't sound like much fun.  Here are some things that I think I will actually be able to do, though:
  • Maintain the garden.  There isn't much left growing, but those last few tomatoes and peppers are still worth covering before a frost.
  • Go through all my papers and file everything.  Go through closets and bring clothes to Goodwill.  Dump all the crap I don't need.  Pare down my belongings.
  • Rack the blueberry wine.  It's been sitting in those lees for long enough.
  • Rearrange the book shelf.
  • Stay warm.  Stupid winter...grrrr.
  • Try a new food.  Not just a new dish, but a dish that uses an ingredient I've never had before.
Okay, I know that's a pretty wimpy list, but between work and extracurricular meetings and any social life that exists in cold weather, I think it will suffice.

Happy Fall!

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