24 January 2012

The Cutest Girl in the World

Since it's my birthday, I'm not going out of my way to write a long post tonight.  However, since the celebration isn't until tomorrow night, I'll give you a quick post about the cutest darlin' in the world.

She got a car for Christmas.  And she knows how to use it.
 Yes, those are my REAL car keys.  She set the car alarm off from inside the apartment - I didn't even know it was possible!

 She also love my phone.  This is her "it's not working, turn it on right now" face.
I think she called Russia.

And this little gem is the face she gave me when she stole my phone and jumped in the car.
"Oh, yeah, I'm actually in the car right now...But you know what?  I'll just kick up my feet and chat."  Good thing I'll probably be dead by the time she actually starts driving.
Uh...this is where things got a little out of control...
Everybody loves snacktime!
All that driving made her tired!
K&J - thanks for letting us watch your daughter!  It was probably my most productive day of Christmas break :)

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