22 May 2012

Planting the Garden!

Confession:  there won't be too much information in this post.  I had fun planting my garden and I want to show you photos.  I just got back from Ecuador and I'm not feeling too ambitious :)
If you want some real learning, check out my last post on transplanting seedlings.  In the meantime, I'll tell you some of the things that I planted...on May 10.  These are rows of alternating corn and beans.  The beans are pole beans, so they will (hopefully) begin to climb the corn stalks.
Another confession:  these photos were all taken with Kyle's phone because after I got dirt all over my hands, I was too lazy to go get my camera out of my car.  These are all little rows of greens.  I planted them in alphabetical order so I'd remember what they were:  arugula, lettuce, mesclun mix, and spinach.
May 10 was when I did the vast majority of my outdoor planting.  I did not transplant my indoor seedlings because they'll be fine inside until the danger of frost has truly passed.  I planted some peas on May 1, and they hadn't sprouted yet, and I was mad.  So I dug around in the peas block until I found...a seedling that was about to pop out of the dirt.  Oops!  But May 1 was also when I measured out everything and put kabob skewers everywhere to mark things.  Hence the double measuring tapes below.
Worms are a sign of healthy soil!  And worn-out knees are a sign of well-loved jeans.
After everything is planted, add water!  Since I didn't want to wash any seeds away, I used the hose to simulate rain so that the water fell gently on the ground.
Many thanks to Kyle for the garden photoshoot.  Here's to a happy growing season!

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